Our calendar below is a fluid one due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19, so updates, changes, additions will be made.


Please be sure to check with the studio by phone : 6257 5891

or email : info@danzon.com.au

for the current status of all events.


2021   January

 -   Tuesday 27th -(Closed except for...)

         Get Australia Dancing Together

         Afternoon Tea Dance.

         Cost: $15 each, pay at the desk.

         Tea and Cake and Dancing at

         DANZON from 2-4pm.

         Open to the public.

2021   February

Showcase BALL : 27 Mar


2021   March

Showcase BALL : 27 Mar

-   Friday 5th March-

         Guided Practice Night 8-9:30pm



Date:    Sat 27th March 2021

Time:    5:30pm - 10:30pm.

Where:  Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden, ACT

Cost:     Early Bird Price $125 p/person ends 17 Mar.

             Late Tickets $140 p/person ends 23rd Mar.



1.   Use the PayPal buttons above

2.   Ph: 6257 5891 to pay by phone.

3.   Visit the studio and pay at the front desk

4.   Email: sharon@danzon.com.au for direct

     deposit details.

-   Monday 8th March

         'Canberra Day'

         Open for Special Workshops Only

     Click here to purchase: Danz Shop

     1. Time :   12:00 - 12:45 pm Sharon

         Topic :  Articulate Waltz :
                      Twinkle - Dynamic Shape


     2. Time :   1:00 - 1:45 pm Sharon

         Topic :  Articulate Cha : X Triple/Locks


     3. Time :  2:00 - 2:45 pm Marko

         Topic : Top Tricks for Tango


     4. Time :  3:00 - 3:45 pm Sharon

         Topic : Articulate E/Swing :

                     Tuck Turns


-   Wednesday 17th March

     Dress Rehearsal for Ball Performers Only


-   Wednesday 17th March- PRICE ENDS


Early Bird Tickets : $125 per person

Ends at 10pm TONIGHT.





*See Purchase Conditions Below...



-   Friday 19th March-

         Social Dance Party 8-9:30pm

         Open to the Public $11 each.



-   18th - 23rd March- LATE BALL TICKETS


Late Tickets : $140 per person

Ends at 10pm on 23rd March.





*Conditions for Ball Ticket purchases :

a. Last requests for a refund must be made by in person at DANZON Dance Studio with photo ID by 7:30pm on 23.3.21. No refunds after this date.

b. All refunds will be made by Direct Bank Transfer to the account of the person on the photo ID within 30 days of the request. No overseas accounts allowed.

d. Up to 2 x deductions will be made from the refund:

1. PayPal's Fee (if applicable, using PayPal records)

2. A $15 Total DANZON Processing Fee.


-   Saturday 27th March



Early Bird Ticket Price $125 p/p

Late Ticket Price $140 p/p

2021  April

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon

-   2,3,4,5 April -

         Closed for 'Easter'.


-   Friday 17th April -

         Social Dance Party 8-9:30pm

         Open to the Public $18 each.


-   Monday 26th April -

         Closed for 'ANZAC Day'.

2021   May

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon


-   Monday 31st May -

         Closed for 'Reconcilliation Day'.

2021   June

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon


-   Monday 7th June -

          'Queen's Birthday'

         Open for Special Workshops Only

     Click here to purchase: Danz Shop

2021   July

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon


-   Thursday Jul 29,30,31,1 Aug







        ASDAC - The Outback Crown

Ballroom Dancing Competition


2021   August

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon

2021   September

2021   October

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon


-   Monday 4th Oct -

         'Labour Day' Workshops

         Open for Special Workshops Only

         Schedule here soon...

     1. Time :

         Topic :


     2. Time :

         Topic :


     3. Time :

         Topic :


     4. Time :

         Topic :

2021   November

2021   December

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon

-   Social Parties TBA

         Info soon


-   Thursday  16th Dec -

         DANZON Xmas Party!

         Open to the Public $60 each.

         7:30 to 10:30pm

        Last open day of the year!


-   Friday 17th Dec onward... -

         Closed for 'Christmas holidays'


*2022 - Opens Mon 3rd Jan 2022*

2022   January

-   Monday 3rd,  We're Open!

    All regular classes begin.

    Check when your teacher is back

    for your Private Lessons!



google +

DANZON Dance Studio


        2020 Social Dancing Australia Pty. Ltd.

Designed and built by S. Pekkarinen

- Not just a dancer - artist, designer,

illustrator, some photography, makeup artist, caricaturist and do it myself kinda gal.

Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar
Showcase BALL : 27 Mar